About me and my blog

Hi!  Thanks for stopping by.  I’m Mike and this is my blog.  I started blogging soon after I accepted a job to teach overseas with the goal of following my adventures.  I spent my first 5 years after college in New Jersey as an elementary teacher, special ed teacher and fencing coach.  I’ve been fortunate enough to take many trips and love to detail my journeys with photographs.


To get myself up to blogging speed I’ve decided to pick some of my favorite adventures to retell.  Whether its in a city, dessert, rainforest or just a random day I hope you enjoy them all.

I arrived in Seoul, South Korea on August 27th and started teaching on the 28th!  The majority of my posts will follow living and working as an expat in this amazing city along with the occasional post about a past adventure!

Read, comment, enjoy!

Edit: I’m experimenting with the menus and adding more sections and have found that if you hover over the section for a second it makes it easier to select the post you want to read.

3 thoughts on “About me and my blog

  1. Hi Mike,
    I’m going to try to keep up as you blog away–glad you are enjoying a new land and culture. I’ll tell Chris and Sam to take a look–they were born there but have never visited.
    Best of luck and enjoy each day.


  2. Hi, Mike.
    I came upon your blog and I really enjoyed your posts! Since you’re a passionate blogger, it dawned on me that there could be great things that we could talk about and suggest. I’d love to tell you some suggestions if you’re interested.
    If I may briefly introduce myself I’m Kristine and in charge of a website called http://www.trazy.com which is an online guide where real people can share and discover the latest travel destinations in Korea.

    If you’re interested, please e-mail be through supportcrew@trazy.com
    Best, Kristine.


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